Cross Country to Continue During the Pandemic

Del Norte’s Cross Country team earnestly prepares for their season starting on February 1st, even as much of San Diego remains in Purple Tier restrictions.
The cross country team had a few weeks of practice at the end of 2020, but has since been practicing remotely. Emma Sandrew (‘22) and Amanda Phillip (‘22) have both been on the cross country team since their freshman year and have noticed significant differences since the start of COVID-19.
“Covid has made it really hard for us to have a season and to stay connected as a team,” said Sandrew.
Chris Jacobs, the cross country coach, has been doing weekly calls with the team where they talk about how things are going, allowing for team bonding and a way to connect virtually. During the pandemic, both Phillip and Sandrew have been running with small groups on their own and have found new trails around the community to hike at.
“Being on the cross country team has introduced me to some of the sweetest and most hardworking people I have ever met,” Phillip said.
Many experts advocate how running has benefits for mental health as well. Going on a long run is an opportunity to work out pent up emotions, and to just take a breath of fresh air. For runners like Phillip and Sandrew, running is an escape from stress and pressure from school.
“This year, school’s gotten a lot tougher academically and more time consuming, so running gives me a really good opportunity to work out stress and get reenergized,” Phillip said.
“It has helped my mental health a lot. Whenever I’m stressed I go on runs, and then after, feel so much better. It’s a great way to clear your head and especially during Covid, it’s been nice to get outside,” Sandrew said.
While the thought of running over ten miles daily can be daunting for some, Phillip and Sandrew bring a different perspective to the table. Sandrew has been training for the past three years and is ready for the season to start. Her favorite part is the social aspect: there is constant conversation during their long runs. Phillip has always enjoyed running but said she wouldn’t have stuck with it for so long if there wasn’t such a great community surrounding it.
“As cheesy as it sounds, everybody on the team is like a family to each other, and since we’re not a super huge team we are able to get really close with each other,” Phillip said.

Risa is a former staff writer for The Talon. She loves to surf and watch the sunset with her friends. She also enjoys reading during her free time and hopes to create change through her writing.