Latest Presidential Debate Allows Moderator to Mute Candidates

On November 3rd, a new president-elect will be declared.
While the same has been true every 4 years, this year’s election is different. Citizens now have more access to voting by mail than any previous years. According to Fox News, Texas, Montana, and several other states have already reached more than 50% of their 2016 election.
On October 22, Trump and Biden spoke on a number of issues ranging from healthcare to foreign policy in the second presidential debate. Contrary to the first debate, a new microphone system was installed that allowed the moderator, Kristen Welker, to mute the candidates’ microphones when their speaking time was up. Although this system allowed both candidates to speak more on their policy views, the debate may have had little to no effect on many voters. The debates may have been more about revitalizing each candidate’s own base than about gaining new supporters. It was also estimated that only the people who already supported a candidate were the ones who watched the debate, not those crucial middle class blue collar workers that both candidates needed in their base. According to the New York Times, only about 55 million people watched the second debate compared to the 73 million who watched the first one.
The nation is waiting in suspense to see who will become our next president.

Gaurish Gaur is a former staff writer for The Talon. Whenever he has free time he likes to catch up with and hear perspectives on current events.